Kim Tremblay
Sr. Account Based Marketing Strategist, Demandbase
I admit it! I played with Barbie as a child, and the messages of female empowerment were utterly lost on my 8-year-old brain. The beautiful clothes, fancy townhouses, and spectacular cars drew me in. I mean, what little girl wouldn’t want unlimited wardrobe options, fun friends, a cute boyfriend, and a life one could only dream of? And dream, I did. I dreamt of flying around the world, meeting new people and seeing new things, negotiating business deals, and making my own decisions.
<h4″>Female Leadership
Fast forward four decades, and I’m doing all of those things. Last week, I spent several days in San Francisco with my Demandbase teammates, tackling tough business challenges and plotting the future of our Professional Services Organization at “Customer Experience Summer Camp.” For the first time in my career, I witnessed four levels of female empowerment and leadership and individual contributors in a high-tech SAAS organization- something else I couldn’t have imagined as a girl playing with Barbie. At Demandbase, we create opportunities for everyone in the organization, regardless of race, creed, religion, or gender. While we aren’t perfect, we’ve made a lot of progress. According to Zippia “40 Telling Women in Technology Statistics [2023 ]: Computer Science Gender Ratio”, women hold 44% of STEM-related bachelor’s degrees as of 2022. Yet, women hold 28% of computing and mathematical jobs in the US as of 2022. The numbers are even more dismal when you look at leadership roles, with fewer than 20% of vice president positions in the tech industry, only 19% of senior vice presidents, and 15% of CEOs being held by women. Based on these stats, Demandbase is significantly ahead of our industry.
According to a Center for Creative Leadership study, companies and organizations with more female employees “have more meaningful work and job satisfaction, better organization and dedication, and lower rates of burnout.” During our company meeting, organized and executed by a mostly female team, plenty of fun and creativity was built into the agenda, giving everyone time to connect, think differently, and push our organization forward. We played games, solved problems, and connected on a deeper level through intentional networking times and shared meals. There were even fun stickers each camper earned for their achievements. The Summer Camp atmosphere kept the mood light and challenged everyone to get out of their boxes and work together toward common goals.
Demandbase Value-Added Services Team at Summer Camp last week channeling our inner Barbie!
I’ve had plenty of male role models and mentors throughout my career, and I’m so grateful for them. However, this is my first time having female role models who lift one another up and create an environment for all to grow. Strong female role models have three core benefits, according to an article by Forbes.
Female role models expand what is possible, inspire women to be more ambitious and aim higher, and demonstrate the behaviors and mindsets necessary to rise in an organization. The successful women at Demandbase are unpretentious, hardworking, level-headed, and, most importantly, problem-solvers. Having these women in positions of influence in our organization can only serve to break down barriers, position other women for influence roles, impact policies involving work-life balance and child/elder care, and broader topics such as pay equity – for all people in the workplace, especially those who are under-represented today.
The women at Demandbase would make Barbie proud. We’re a new breed of professionals who have found the ability to manage our personal and professional lives while impacting the strength and trajectory of our organization. From Human Resources to marketing, customer success, sales, product development, professional services, and beyond, the women at Demandbase are showing that childhood dreams are not only possible but they are a reality. And let’s not forget the men with whom we work, you’re “Dee-best.”
Some additional resources: Women in Revenue, Girls Who Code, Future Business Leaders of America, Demandbase Careers
Kim Tremblay
Sr. Account Based Marketing Strategist, Demandbase
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