Discover B2B Buyer Intent Data

B2B intent data helps organizations find the right buyers at the right time!

See which accounts are in-market and fill your pipeline with better opportunities, faster.


Understand which accounts are in-market, before they raise their hand, with B2B buyer intent data

See who’s showing interest in your company, your category, or your competitors, so you can jump on opportunities promptly before your competitors. Use Demandbase’s global B2B buyer intent data to trigger campaigns, personalize your messaging, avoid churn, and expand accounts.

B2B buyer intent data directly from the source

Demandbase’s B2B intent data delivers more breadth and relevance. Why? Because we own the technology to identify anonymous accounts and pair that with our direct access to the bidstream — the source for the most intent signals.

Then we beef up the relevance of those signals using a combination of AI and natural language processing to:

  • Decipher context and minimize irrelevant activity.
  • Create unlimited keyword sets specific to your products or competitors.
  • See historical intent, intent strength, trending intent, and the quality of each keyword.

Our intent is supplied globally. Don’t miss any signals.

We support multiple languages of intent. That means we can track intent behaviors in almost all markets, anywhere in the world.

  • We support 133 languages. This includes the most widely used online languages in the world.
  • Multi-byte support (which allows non-Latin characters to be inputted).
  • Includes the use of NLP (natural language processing). This minimizes false positives and maximizes accuracy.


Supported Languages


Intent Keywords


Page Views a Day


Intent Signals a Month

Accurate B2B buyer intent data delivered

With more intent, ​our approach can better understand the buyer’s goals. ​Our ​approach ​also reduces false positives, ​lowering the likelihood of incorrect signals being actioned on.

  • Extract intent from the actual content on the page
  • Automatically remove problematic keywords
  • Regularly review and optimize every collection practice through our dedicated data science team.

Partnering to give you more

We’re proud of our proprietary intent data. But when it comes to intent, more is better. So we also partner with other intent providers who source signals through different means, so you get the best of all worlds.

  • Import Bombora Surge® automatically every time there’s an update.
  • Import G2 intent for that bottom-of-the-funnel buyer.
  • Import TrustRadius intent for those in-market buyers.
  • Use another Intent provider? No problem, we can import that too.

B2B intent for all stages

Check out these day-to-day examples of how our customers use intent data across the buyer journey.

  • Pre-opportunity: Launch a brand awareness campaign for new in-market accounts.
  • Open opportunity: Discover when competitors are sneaking into the conversation to make a pre-emptive move.
  • Customers: Prevent churn and increase upsell and cross-sell based on their outside research.

Don’t stop now. You’re just getting started.

Learn more about what you get with Demandbase One™.

Uncover the right buyers at the right time. Test drive our B2B intent data.

Demandbase Intent Data illustration