Alyssa Opella
Former VP of Professional Services & Support, Demandbase
Balancing data and technology with creativity and strategy to create a collective, orchestrated omnichannel account-based experience (ABX) can be a lot. Understaffed, integrating a diverse technology stack, disparate data, fragmented organizations… but there is some good news: you aren’t alone and you don’t have to do this yourself.
Be the peanut butter to our jelly. You’re the experts in your business. We’re the experts in ABM. We’re both fine on our own, but we’re definitely better together. At Demandbase, we recognize the challenges faced by many of today’s ABM teams and what they need to do or change to be successful. And to help you squeeze the most out of the proverbial lemon that is your account-based strategy, we offer three levels of Professional Services Support. This way you can surround yourself with experts who are not only dedicated to getting you up and running but who will continue to drive your adoption and momentum so that you achieve your ABM goals quickly.
Good implementation establishes the foundation for your ABM program, but it isn’t everything. It’s also instrumentally important to have a strategic plan so you can ensure that you build the right foundation for your chosen flavor of ABX. Implementation can be hectic. In fact, there can be so many concepts and tasks coming at you, and with such momentum, that we have unfortunately seen many companies lose that drive after implementation is over. Support levels work to keep that momentum, but without the chaos so that you can continue to drive your adoption and progress at your own pace!
Our three Professional Service Support Levels were built on the shoulders of five core pillars – Implementation, Education, Technical Adoption, Support, and Customer Success – in order to combine strategic direction, best practices, and technical guidance for faster value realization. The result is a steady improvement month over month – continuing to drive your adoption on a path personalized to your business needs and opportunities.
Our three levels of support help our customers get where they want to go, with exactly the right level or guidance that fits their needs. If you have any trouble remembering their names, here’s a hint: GPS. Not only do these levels make the perfect acronym, but much like the countless GPS devices and services out there that empower you to choose from voice guidance options, list directions vs. live map, etc., you get to decide exactly how much help you want along the way and which route to take. Choose from:
Each of our three levels of support expand your team with expert Customer Success and Customer Service resources to help you tap into the full value of the Demandbase One Platform. This way you can rest assured that you have the right balance of technology and strategy to achieve your specific business outcomes.
Look no further than DBTV, our hub for everything B2B go-to-market. From thought leadership to the world’s hottest gummy bear, we’ve got you covered with the latest in improvements, releases, news, trends, and more from the industry’s leaders in ABX.
To learn more about our new levels of support, be sure to watch the video below, and if implementing an account-based strategy still feels like a lot, reach out to us at or check out our professional services page.
Alyssa Opella
Former VP of Professional Services & Support, Demandbase
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