On-Demand Webinar

Next-Level ABM Is NOW! Your Roadmap To ABX Success

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As the original Marketo Co-founder and Founder of Engagio, Jon Miller predicted marketing automation and account-based marketing’s rise — and now he’s setting out a roadmap for what’s next, including blending account-based marketing (ABM) and customer experience (CX) to create a new model called Account-Based Experience (ABX).

In this session, he shares practical, proven techniques from the just-released “Clear and Complete Guide to Account-Based Experience” and focuses on how companies can improve pipeline, growth, and satisfaction by evolving their go-to-market to align with the buyer experience at every stage of the journey.

After viewing this session you will be able to:

  • Implement account-based best practices from leading practitioners;
  • Use data and insights to orchestrate relevant, trusted Marketing and Sales actions throughout the B2B customer lifecycle; and
  • Practical takeaways to take the concepts of ABX and really drive it home successfully at your organization


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