On-Demand Webinar

Building an ABX Digital Strategy Aligned with the Buyer’s Journey (And What Luke Skywalker and R2D2 Can Teach Us about ABX)

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Join Jennifer Hughes, Director of Digital Marketing at Demandbase, as she discusses building an account-based strategy that focuses firmly on the buyer’s experience. She’ll approach the Buyer’s Journey from both a metaphorical perspective for inspiration and a tactical one for execution. She will share how to plan, build, and overlay that account-based strategy across all digital channels to ensure your prospects and customers are always seeing the right content at the right time.

At the end of this session, you will have:

  • A clear understanding of the importance of respecting the Buyer’s Journey – and how it can make (or break) a deal.
  • Practical and straightforward steps to take when building your ABX digital strategy.
  • Proven techniques to execute on that ABX strategy across all your digital channels throughout the life cycle of the deal.


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