Customer Story

Equilar De-Frags Their Data. Boosts Engagement And Retention

The Head Scratcher

Talk about data fragmentation! Equilar had lots of data about their accounts, but it was spread across siloed systems — CRM, marketing automation, Google Analytics, and more. The result: lots of data, but zero insights into which accounts were engaging and what they were interested in. What we call at Demandbase, “account blindness.”

Without insights, Equilar’s marketing team resorted to “blasting” everyone in their prospect database to see what would stick, and their sales reps were left to guess about which accounts they should be engaging with.

Equilar also had big gaps in their contact data. As Vikram Nair, Director of Operations & Business Development at Equilar put it, “it’s pretty hard to engage an account if you don’t have any contacts or contact details.” He also admitted to having issues with data cleanliness. And who doesn’t? With businesses and people constantly changing, so does the data about them.

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Software & Technology

Company Size
100-200 employees

Redwood City, CA

Demandbase One: ABX, Sales Intelligence & Data Integrity

"It's exciting to be a customer…Demandbase never stops surprising me."
Vikram Nair
Vikram Nair Director of Operations & Business Development

What’d They Do?

Equilar turned to Demandbase ABX to bring all their data together in one place so they could get a more complete, accurate view of their pipeline. Next step: they were able to create a customized scoring model that factored in attributes and activities that contribute to new business and renewals. This lit up their funnel, giving them the insights they needed to segment their audiences and activate targeted campaigns based on where an account — prospect or customer — was in their buying journey.

Coupled with ABX, Equilar tapped into Demandbase Sales Intelligence’s large database of B2B contacts to find the people and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) they needed to outbound to their target accounts — something their marketing and sales teams needed. Their sellers also benefited from the automated email alerts that keep them apprised of news related to their territory account lists. It’s the first email their reps check in the morning so “they can find relevant touch points to reach out to their clients and prospects, which just engages them more.”

The final piece of the puzzle for Equilar was the Data Integrity capabilities. Data Integrity keeps their CRM data fresh and up-to-date. It automatically enriches their accounts, contacts, and leads with missing information, maps leads to accounts — which is essential for any account-based go-to-market efforts — and validates email addresses.

Why Demandbase?

When talking about Demandbase ABX, Nair explains why they chose Demandbase, “As far as a seamless integration and the flexibility to get innovative with scoring models or even syncing in various data sources, I haven’t found a product that can do that like Demandbase, which is great!”

In looking for a reliable database for contact information and data management, he adds, “Demandbase was the perfect solution. When comparing it to other competitors, the database was on par or even better — larger and more accurate in most cases — and the flexibility of what you could do integrating with your CRM to have automated contact, lead, and account enrichment, plus creation of accounts, and a clean sweep without worrying about credits made it a no-brainer. Then you add in the benefit of insights where, depending upon a rep’s account territory list, they get automated emails that keep them up to date on the latest news, et cetera, it’s a lot of value.”

How’d They Do?

With Demandbase One: ABX, Sales Intelligence, and Data Integrity, Equilar:

  • Improved prospect engagement and pipeline forecasting accuracy using innovative scoring models.
    Equilar has been thrilled with the flexibility and power to get innovative with their scoring models within Demandbase: syncing in not only email campaigns, Salesforce interactions, and website data, but also activity from their own SaaS product. And combining that with Demandbase’s intent and technographic data. The result: a robust scoring module that gives them a hi-def view of their pipeline. This has enabled them to do more segmented, relevant outreach, moving opportunities through the funnel faster and more consistently. And it’s dramatically improved pipeline forecasting.
  • Boosted client retention with a clear view into client engagement.
    They’ve also found that Demandbase positively contributes to client retention. In addition to seeing product activity, they also have a crystal clear view into client engagement from a marketing perspective. They are kept up-to-date with regular alerts about their accounts, which allows them to reach out with relevant touchpoints that keep relationships healthy and growing.
  • Saved time and reduced email bounce-backs with cleaner, more complete data.
    By automating the data management process, Equilar’s sales ops team has saved hours of time and kept their data cleaner than ever. They no longer have lots of bounce backs from broad email blasts; instead, they can run targeted campaigns to consistently updated and verified emails.

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